You may set the preferences for General, New Documents, Encodings, Open, Printing, Key Commands, and other functions, by going to "Preferences..." These preferences are saved in the "Jedit3.0 Prefs" file located in the "Preferences" folder of the "System Folder."
3.1 General
Select "Preferences..." from the "File" menu. The dialog box shown below will appear. Click the "General" tab if it has not already been chosen.
Some parameters of General preferences (such as TSM Inline Conversion and Active Scroll) affect the new windows but may not automatically apply to the existing windows.
TSM Inline Conversion
Check this box if you want to convert Hirangana to Kanji in the editing line of the document. Otherwise, the separate conversion window will
appear at the bottom of the screen.
Active Scroll
Check this box if you want the document window to scroll at
the same time you drag the scroll box. If you do not check
this box, the document window will not scroll until you have
finished dragging the scroll box. It may be better to leave this
option off if you have a slow Macintosh.
Navigation Service
Check this box if you want to use the new file dialog system
called "Navigation Service". Navigation Service is supported by
MacOS8.5 or higher. If you feel Navigation Service is too heavy
for your Macintosh, you may choose to leave this optio n off.
Intelligent Paste
Check this box if you want to add a 1-byte character space
before or after the words you paste. This is a useful
function for the Roman text, but you should not check for
Japanese or some other languages that does not use spaces as
the word separators.
Multiple Undo/Redo
This option allows you to undo/redo all the actions up to the last
time you opened the document. If you do not check this box, you
will only be able to undo/redo the last action. The default
settings is on.
However, if you performe thousands of actions using AppleScript,
the undo data may take up too much memory. In such cases, you
should check this option off,
Activate after Search
Check this box if you want to set the document window to front
after searching from the find dialog box. If you leave this checkbox
off, the find dialog box will stay at the front.
Font Sync with KB Script
Check this box if you want to automatically change the
current font so that it matches the keyboard script.
If you leave this box unchecked, the default font will be chosen
when the current font does not match the keyboard script.
If you edit more than two scripts in the same document, please
check this box.
Kanji Hi-Speed Search
If you check this box, the searching speed of the Japanese document
will be increased.
However, when you set the default font to other than Japanese font
in the "New Document" preferences, this switch will not effect the
searching speed.
Internet Config Aware
If you check this box, Jedit3.0 becomes Internet Config aware on
your system. This will allow you to do the followings:
• Open URLs in the current document by clicking the URL while
holding the command key.
• When you select the "Paste Signature" of the "Edit" menu, the
signature defined at the Internet Config will be pasted.
• Make the Jedit's AppleScript command "OpenURL" to work. (If
this option is off, "OpenURL" will not work.)
Outline Highlighting
If you check this box, the selected area will be outline highlighted
when the document window is not in front. If you check this
option off, selected area will be normally highlighted even in
the none-active window.
The default setting is on. However, this function may not work
well under the old MacOS uncompatible with Appearance Manager.
In such cases, the selected area may not be highlighted
correctly when you switch back to the document window. If this
happens, you should turn this option off.
Unstyled Copy & Paste
Check the box if you don't want to copy or paste the style
information and the objects. Only the plain text data will be
copied and paseted.
If you want to copy data with the style information and the
objects, copy or paste with holding down the shift key.
Cursor Shape
Select the shape of the insertion cursor. You can choose from the
three shapes of normal, block and underline.
Scrolling Speed
You can adjust the scroll speed by changing this number of jump
scroll lines. If you want to scroll faster, you should increase this
number. You can type the number between 1 and 9.
Quote Prefix
When you select "Add Quote Prefix" of the "Tool" menu, this
string will be inserted as the quote prefix. The maximum size of
a prefix is 31 bytes.
3.2 New Documents
Select "Preferences..." from the "File" menu, and click the "New Document" tab in the preference dialog. The New Document panel will appear as shown below.
"New Document" only affects new documents. It does not affect existing documents. To change the settings of an existing document, go to the "Format" menu.
Window Size
Specifies the height and width of the new document window.
To use the same height and width as the current document, push
"Same as Front Window" button.
If you enter a large number for "height", the new document
window will have the maximum height possible for your screen.
Default Font
Sets the default character font, size and style. The default
font and size will be used to calculate the column width and the
column sales of the ruler. The default font is also used to
determine the default script.
Document Width follows the Window Width
If you check this box, the width of your document will follows the
width of your window. If you do not check this box, the document
width will remain constant even when you adjust the size of the
Document Width
Sets the document width by entering the maximum number of
columns for each line. The column width will depend on the
default font and size. Because various font and character size
can be used in the document, the number of columns will be the
rough measurement.
Tab Width
Sets the tabs width by entering the number of columns (in default
font). The number must be between 1 and 99.
Editing Line Space
Sets the space width between lines in point size while you edit a
Printing Line Space
Sets the space width between lines in point size while you print a
Select "Align Left", "Center" or "Align Right" to align the text in your
document. Your choice will affect the whole document. You can not
have different alignments for different lines or paragraphs.
Specify how to wrap text when a line goes over the width of a
Select "No Wordwrap" if you don't need wordwrapping. The line of
text will change to next even in the middle of a word.
Select "Normal Wordwrap" if you want to shift the last word to
next line.
Select "Hanging Wordwrap" if you want Japanese punctuation to
remain on the same line even if they occur at the very end of a
For none-Japanese documents, do not select "Hanging Wordwrap".
Line Number
You should set this preference to display line numbers or paragraph
numbers on the left side of the document window.
When you select this preference, the ruler will appear at the top
of the window. You can choose the ruler scale from columns,
points, inches or centimeters.
Sets the default font color (character color). If you click the
colored box, the color palette will appear as shown below. Then
select the color you like. This sets up the default color, but
you can change the character colors for the current document
by going to the "Color" of "Format" menu at any time.
Sets the background color for the document window.
Line Num
Sets the color for the line numbers that appear to the left side of
the document window.
Sets the color of the TAB and CR marks.
TSM Conversion
Sets the underline color that appears when you input Japanese
characters using Text Service Manager (TSM). For Japanese MacOS only.
Auto Indent
If you select this option, each new line will have the same indentation
as the previous paragraph.
Disp TAB/CR Marks
If you select this option, TAB and CR marks will be shown
in the document.
3.3 Encodings
Jedit3.0 supports MacRoman, Unicode, UTF8 and several Japanese kanji encodings. Select "Preferences..." from the "File" menu to open the "Preference" box. Then, click the "Encodings" tab. The following settings panel, "Encodings" will appear.
Alert none-Mac Encodings/Line Breaks
If you check this option, the alert dialog box will appear as shown
below when the opening file does not use Mac's default encoding or
line break code.
When you receive this alert, you can choose either "Convert" or
"Don't Convert". And if you choose "Don't alarm from now on", it
results in turning off this checkbox in the Preference box.
By leaving this checkbox unchecked, you will receive no alert, and
Jedit3.0 will automatically convert files to Macintosh codes.
Support Unicode/UTF8
If you check this box, Jedit will support reading and saving of
Unicode and UTF8 text. In opening files, Jedit will check their
code whether it is Unicode or not and convert to MacRoman.
This check box will be disabled when Text Encoding Converter is
not placed in your system. Text Encoding Converter is supported
in MacOS 8 or higher.
Judge Kanji Encodings
Check this box if you want to let Jedit to judge the kanji
encoding of a document while opening. The default is "off". If you
handle the none-Japanese documents such as French or German,
it is best to leave this option off. Because those documents
usually contain high ASCII codes which are in conflict with kanji
codes. High ASCII codes may lead the wrong judgement of the
kanji encodings.
Judge CIS-JIS Kanji
Check this box if you want to let Jedit to judge CIS-JIS kanji the
encoding. CIS-JIS kanji is only used in the Japanese forum
of CompuServe. If you are not a member, we strongly
recommend to leave this option off. If you leave it checked, it
will sometimes make wrong judgements.
Choose the KOUT sequence of the JIS code between "ESC(B" and
"ESC(J". KOUT is the escape sequence which is used when the
characters are switched to 1-byte characters from 2-bytes
characters. Both sequences, "ESC(B" and "ESC(J", can be used
when converting JIS to MacJapanese (Shift-JIS).
3.4 Open
Select "Preferences..." from the "File" menu to display the "Preference" dialog. Then click the "Open" tab. The following panel will appear.
Create New Documents at Start-up
You should check this box to create a new blank document
window whenever you start up Jedit3.0.
New Doc Number
Sets the type of number you want to appear as a title of a new
document. If you select "Sequential Number", each new
document will be named "Untitled," followed by the next
available consecutive number. For example, if you open five
new documents, the fifth document will be "Untitled 5". If you
select "Date & Time", the date(yymmdd) and time (hhmmss)
will be added after "Doc." For example, "Doc 990605 164102"
will be the title for a new document created at 16:41:02 on
June 5, 1999.
Open Binary Files
If you check this box, non-text files (binary files) will also
appear in the list of the Open Dialog and no alert messages
will appear when you open such files.
Stationery File Open Alert
If you check this box, an alert box will appear when you open a
stationery file. In the alert box, you can choose whether to edit
the stationery file directly or to copy it into a new document.
Without checking this box, the alert box will not appear and the
template will be copied automatically to a new document.
Change to Jedit3.0 Icon
You should select this option if you want to change the icon of text
file to Jedit3.0 icon. Jedit3.0 will change the icon (file creator) of
a file when opening. You don't need to save the
document to change the file creator.
Readable File Types
Register the file types*1 you want to open. The files of these
registered types will appear in the open dialogs and can be dropped in
the document window. Also they will become the targets of the multi
file search.
The maximum number of file types that can be registered is 4.
To open the unregistered files, select the "Open" menu with the
option key down.
*1 Each file type on Macintosh is expressed by 4 alphanumeric characters. For example, "TEXT" indicates a "text file", and "APPL" indicates an "application file". You may use utility software, such as ResEdit and FileBuddy, to know the file types.
Maximum of Recent Files
Sets the number of recent files to be shown on the "Recent
Files" of the "File" menu. The maximum number is 99.
3.5 Save
Select "Preferences..." from the "File" menu, and click the "Save" tab in the preference dialog box. The following panel will appear.
Auto Save
Check this box if you want to save the current document at regular
intervals automatically. If you check this option, you must enter the
time interval in minutes. If the document has not yet been modified,
the program will not perform the "Auto Save" function even if this
box is checked.
File Types
You should select the file format of the saved documents from the
pop-up menu.
On Lacking Resource Fork
If the file you are going to save does not have a resource fork,
choose one of options from the following menu.
3.6 Print
Select "Preferences..." from the "File" menu, and click on the "Print" tab in the preference box. The following panel will appear:
Paper Margins
Set the top, bottom, left and right margins in millimeters.
Line Numbers
If you select "Same as the Document Window", line numbers will
be printed only if they are shown in the document window. If you
select "Line Number" or "Paragraph Number", line numbers or
paragraph numbers will be printed regardless of what the
document window shows.
Sets the character and background colors to print on the paper.
You can choose between "Same as the Document", "White
Background" and "Black & White".
Print File Name (Left of Header)
If you check this option, the file name will be printed on the
left side of the header.
Print Date and Time (Right of Header)
If you check this option, the date and time will be printed on
the right side of the header.
Print Page Number (Footer)
If you check this option, page numbers will be printed at the
bottom center of each page.
Wordwrap follows Paper Width
If you check this option, the width of the printed text will be
adjusted to the paper width automatically, regardless of whether or
not you select "Fixed width" at "Document Width..."in the "Format"
Print TAB/CR Mark
Check this option to print TAB/CR marks.
3.7 Key-in
Select "Preferences..." from the "File" menu, and click the "Key-in" tab in the preference box. The following panel will appear:
Fast Key Response
If you check this option, the response speed of typing will
become faster. Most Jedit3.0 users should check this option.
But if the input data missing occurred, you should turn this option off.
Open Dictionary by Cmd+Option+Click
Checking this option allows you to quickly open the dictionary
application registered in the "Word Service" menu. Select a text
area, and click that area with the command and option keys down.
Your dictionary application will show the information of the word you
selected. If more than one dictionary are registered in the "Word
Service" menu, the first dictionary will be used.
The following dictionary applications are available for this
operation. Both are shareware, and are compatible with the
Tomono Kai Dictionary Service Protocol.
"ClickE2J"(Programed by Mr. Fuminori Mikami)
"Jamming 2.5 or later"(Programmed by Mr. Asato Imai)
Sets the work of Jedit when you press option and delete keys
together. If you select "Delete to Paragraph End", you will be able to
delete all characters, from the right of a cursor to the end of the
paragraph. If you select "Undo ATOK Conversion", you can undo the
ATOK kanji conversion. ATOK is one of Japanese Input Methods.
3.8 Key Commands
Select "Preferences..." from the "File" menu, and click the "Key Commands" tab on the preference box. The following panel will appear:
Jedit3.0 allows you to use many short cut commands by pressing the control key together with a letter key. Short cut commands can be used to perform such tasks as scrolling, or moving the cursor to certain positions. Jedit3.0 also provides 2 types of the default key command sets, "diamond cursors" and "emacs like".
Default Key Sets
Revert to the default set of key commands by choosing
"diamond cursor" or "emacs like" form the pop-up menu.
Modify Key Command
Select a key command to edit, and push "Modify Key Command"
button. The following dialog box will appear. Type the keys you
want to use for that command.
3.9 Speech
Select "Preferences..." from the "File" menu, and click the "Speech" tab on the preference box. The following panel will appear.
Select the voice and speed of speech manager for both English (Roman) and Japanese. If you want to hear your voice setting, click the icon.
Make a selection from the "Voice Switching" pop-up menu to decide how to switch the voices between the Roman and Japanese text. Choose "Auto switch Roman/Japanese" if you want to switch automatically between the English and Japanese voices as appropriate for the text. If you check the box "Highlight Speaking word/Paragraph", the text being read will be highlighted. In English, each word will be highlighted. In Japanese, each paragraph will be highlighted.
You need the following extension files for speech manager. These files are not installed through the MacOS's "Easy Install" function. You must add these files yourself using the MacOS CD-ROM. ("Language Analysis Manager" will be installed as the default extension.)
You need the following files to enable English speech:
Speech Manager (Extension File)
MacinTalk 3 (Extension File)
MacinTalk Pro (Extension File)
Speech (Control Panel)
Several Voice Files (in the "Voice" folder within Extensions Folder)
The installer for the above files is located in the "English Text-to-Speech"
folder within the MacOS 8.0 or MacOS 8.5.
In addition to the above, you need the following files to enable "Kana" speech:
MacinTalk Kana (Extension File)
Japanese Voice File "Hiroshi" and "Masako" (in "Voice" Folder
within "Extensions Folder)
The installer for the above files is located in the "Japanese Text-to-Speech" folder
within the MacOS 8.0J but not MacOS 8.5J.
In addition to the above, you need the following files to enable "Kanji & Kana" speech:
Language Analysis Manager on Japanese MacOS8.5 or higher
Only Japanese MacOS supports Language Analysis Manager. Jedit can't speak
"Kanji & Kana" in English MacOS even if Japanese Language Kit (JLK) has been
3.10 HTML
Select "Preferences..." from the "File" menu, and click the "HTML" tab in the preference box. The following panel will appear.
Jedit supports the auto coloring of HTML documents and also supports dropping the file path names by dragging their file icons.
You can set the width of HTML document files*. This width has priority over other settings of "New Document" of the "Preference" menu or "Document Width" of "Format" menu.
If you check the "HTML Coloring", the HTML document will be colored automatically.
You can specify the fonts, sizes, styles and colors for the each item of "data", "general tags", "anchor tags", "image tags" and "comments".
* Jedit 3.0 judge the HTML file by its file extension. If the file extensions, for example, are ".htm" or ".html", Jedit3.0 will open the file as an HTML document. Other HTML extensions include ".HTML", ".HTM", "shtml" , ".phtml" or so on.
3.11 Hanging Wordwrap
Select "Preferences..." from the "File" menu, and click the "Hanging Wordwrap" tab in the preference box. The following panel will appear.
In the Japanese text, you can choose the type of word-wrapping between "Normal Wordwrap" and "Hanging Wordwrap" by using the "Document Width" dialog of the menu "Format". (For more detail, see "Chapter 6, 6-3 Document Width")
When you select the "Hanging Wordwrap" mode in the "Document Width" dialog of the menu "Format", you can also specify "Hanging Wordwrap" or "No Wordwrap" for each 45 special character by using above "Hanging Wordwrap" panel.
If you check the "Let non-Japanese text wordwrap normally", the non-Japanese text will be wordwrapped in the same way as the "Normal Wordwarp" mode. If you deal with both the Japanese and English text, you should check this box.